I must admit a have a little fixation about the honeybees. I have always loved them and have been fascinated by them. I often read about the life of honeybees, about the amazing healing properties of honey and other bees products. I feel very passionate about our little friends. They are responsible for maintaining the majority of our food supply and they are now in serious danger. In Britain more and more people are aware of it and keep the beehives in their gardens, even in the big cities.
Some time ago I designed 2 artists books about the honeybees. Now I am making the cushions with honeybees appliques.
I would keep the beehives in the garden but it is a big commitment for which I am not ready.
Instead I plant Honeybee friendly plants and make sure I do not use the chemicals which are dangerous for them.
You can see more cushions here:

Honeybees Cushions
good one.really its a very good idea to brought something from your mind to some kind.........