Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Title unknown

Funny thing this blog of mine, the urge to write is there and I am sitting down to write, but I have no idea what to write about. I think I will show you the picture.
This is a picture of my life: it's work in progress.

My two lovely builders Mr. Andrzej and Mr. Arek just shouted 'Bye' from downstairs. They have  finished for today, it's after 5pm (they work from 8am). It is their last week in our place and today they started to install the kitchen cabinets (which I had assembled from the flat packs). They are still finishing the complete rewiring and other bits and pieces around the house. We are all quite tired and tempers begun to appear...

My role so far consisted mostly of getting building supplies and trying to coordinate work stages, various specialists and managing the budget (it's not big, I tell you). From next week onwards I will be on my own during the day (D. goes to work early and comes back late) and another stage in our renovation will begin: preparing and decorating the walls and the floor: my favorite.

Wish me luck.


  1. Hi yolanta, It must be a bit overwelming with such a big job in front of you. But look at the bright side, you don´´t have to live in someone elses taste of how it should be in a house. And with your creativity and good taste I´m sure it will be wonderful in the end. Good luck!!!


  2. Thanks Elisabet for reminding me why I am doing it. It's hard to stay motivated at the last stages of the renovation, when I am so tired...

    Lots of love

  3. I´m happy to hear you like my bracelets! They are so much fun to make. How is your building site doing??? Hope you have advanced a little.

    Lots of love,

  4. Elisabet, your products are so inventive and pretty.
    We are progressing, slowly. I am starting to paint the walls.
