Thursday, 27 October 2011

Getting inspired in Tokyo

We are in Tokyo! It just happened that my husband was sent to work here for a week and he took me with him. He spends his days working in the office, poor thing, and I get to roam the streets and parks of Tokyo and getting inspired. It is "work" of another kind after all, if you are an artist and maker...

I hope you enjoyed these few pictures from Japan.



  1. I love these photographs. They are decorative but also calming, which is interesting.
    Maybe it is the way you have framed the shots that makes them calming. I don't know. I am more a word person than a visual person. And it took me a while to work out what the top picture was. Was it a painting, a mural or a picture from nature - beautiful.

  2. Hi Chloe.
    The top picture is a close-up view of the lake in the park, with a tree branch hanging over the surface of the water. I was drawn to the colours there and I will probably use this colour combination for a painting.
    I guess in photography I often zoom-in and show the details. Maybe looking at the details helps me to understand the world...

    I wish I was better at using the words though.

  3. How exciting!I´m so happy for you, Japan has always been a place i wanted to visit too. And your photos are beautiful, ENJOY the rest of your stay!


  4. Thank you Elisabet! This trip was really special. Being there gave me lots of creative ideas. Love. Y.
