Sunday, 11 September 2011

Collecting the seeds

This is just a short post as we have already started packing before our move. The funny thing is that we are still waiting for the mortgage offer to buy our new (old) house, but we have started packing regardless. We already went through several disappointments and delays in the process, so it feels like now is the time to show faith and act in a positive way. So we are taking a plunge - we are packing.

I am already planning our future garden and thinking about what kind of plants would grow well there. A good way of choosing plants is by looking at other people's gardens in the same area and seeing what grows well. Plants can be expensive, so I decided to propagate as many as I can myself. Now is a good time to buy last season's seeds at a discounted price (just check the expiry date). And yesterday we went for a walk to the local park and I collected several seeds.

I put them in paper envelopes to keep them dry. Here they are all lined up on the kitchen top:

I will investigate which seeds can go straight into the garden soil in the Spring and which ones need to be placed in the cold frame before the Winter. I will be making the cold frame myself and blogging about it. Actually, hopefully I will be blogging about all the progress of our house and garden work, with lots of pictures of 'before' and 'after'.

Happy seed collecting


  1. Dear Yolanta,

    How is your moving doing? I hope you´ll find a beautiful house where you find lots of calm, happiness and creativity.Thanks for your visits in my blog, I do appreciate a lot!

    Lots of Love.

  2. Hi Elisabet!
    We are not moving after all, not for a while. Legal issues with the house. Well, we are still waiting for the matters to be resolved but it might take months. Situation like this makes you very detached. Are you coming to Cabella next month?
    Lots of love
